About Me

My name is Sam Mathes, I’m a twenty two year old bladesmith based out of Coeur d’Alene, Idaho.

My Dad served twenty one years in the Air Force. His time in the service is what acted as a catalyst for my interest in military history. I eventually started researching historic weapons re-creations. This research would quickly start me down the path of my bladesmithing journey. What began nine years ago as an introductory class, has culminated in providing custom knives for avid hunters and chefs. I also collaborate with spouses or family members nationwide looking for a unique and personalized gift.

My shop has seen many new additions over the years. What started as a few bare bone tools has evolved into a very diverse arsenal of equipment. My original 1”x40” belt sander has been replaced with a 2”x72” KMG. My original 117lb anvil has been replaced with a 242lb anvil. My hand hammer has been joined with a 50 ton press! Each new addition has widened the range of work I’m capable of handling. I’m grateful for all the equipment I’ve acquired and I’m always excited to keep broadening my horizons.